This magnificent mandala is found in all civilizations and is even engraved on a pyramid in Egypt. Despite the absence of modern means of communication, these distant cultures shared this same symbol, reminding us that our consciousness can connect us to something much greater, something sacred and divine.
The Flower of Life consists of overlapping and interconnected circles. The basic design starts with one circle, with all others built around it, thus forming a harmonious representation of the universal connection of life. It is the very essence of Sacred Geometry: all life is part of a divine, geometric plan, and all structures we know follow this plan.
Many see the Flower of Life as a symbol of the cycle of creation. It shows that all life and consciousness come from a single source - like the first cell that divides to give life to a new being. This is why the Flower of Life is often considered a model of Divine Creation.
Whether you wear it, use it for meditation, or simply as a daily reminder of our link with the universe, the Flower of Life can help create a balanced life, full of harmony and peace. A small tip, if you hang it on the wall or wear it as a pendant, it is important that it is oriented correctly, with one angle of the hexagon pointing upwards.
To bring this positive energy into your home or life, at Cristal-Line we have a magnificent selection of items with the Flower of Life symbol: wooden flowers of life of different sizes, stickers, decorations, coasters, glasses and carafes... and many more surprises await you!